Step 1.
On installation day, we first use a shallow trenching machine to cut an 8” swath where the curb will be installed. This destroys any existing roots from creeping grasses, and provides a smooth path for the curb. Any soft spots will be filled with compactable gravel and tamped to lessen the likelihood of cracking. Once the ground is ready, we begin mixing concrete in our trailer-mounted cement mixer, carefully measuring the dye directly into the Portland cement and sand mix. At this time we also add a reinforcing fiber to further strengthen the final curb.

Step 2.
Batch by batch we wheel barrow the wet mix to the extruder and begin the actual curb-making process. The ram-driven extruding machine tightly compacts the concrete, driving itself backwards, and leaving a continuous line of curbing behind. The curb is then immediately hand-troweled and, if desired, textured and stamped with the pattern of your choice. Finally, control joints are cut into the curb approximately every 2 feet, to further guard against cracking.

Step 3.
Before leaving for the day our crew will carefully seal your finished curb with a UV-protective sealant, remove all waste concrete, and clean up after themselves. Your yard will be left looking more beautiful than when we arrived, and ready for your final landscape touches. The only thing left for you to do will be to accept the compliments from admiring neighbors!